
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sept. 13 Update

I am so sorry that I have not posted an update in so long. My RN job I was working in Memphis had me working VERY LONG hours and I was not able to participate in Julie's care as much as I wanted to. Jen had been having to take Julie to all of her appointments and care for her in-patient without me due to my work schedule. I have since returned home to New Mexico since Julie only had one more round of chemo. So now that I have a few extra moments I will update you on how she is doing.
About the first week in August or so they removed the sutures from Julie's right eye. Do to it being sewn shut for so long it had grown closed, so the next time Julie is sedated for any procedure they plan on surgically opening it back up. Julie seems to see ok though.

On August 10th Julie had another MRI and Lumbar puncture. And once again by the Grace of God there was NO detectable cancer. I am so thankful for all of our answered prayers.

Around August 20th, Julie received her 3rd round of chemo. Even though Julie needed to receive blood transfusions and platelets as expected, her counts seem to be rebounding very quickly. Thankfully Julie has not had as much nausea and vomiting as before. She is a real trooper.

Julie went in-patient again on September 9th for her fourth and final round of chemo (Hopefully). She was discharged on the 11th. Now all we have to do is wait for her blood counts to drop and return to normal and pray for no fevers. Once her blood counts are within normal range they will do another MRI and Lumbar puncture and as long as they are clear she will be able to return home.

Julie's birthday in October 9th so I am hoping and praying that she will be able to be home to celebrate her 4th birthday with her ENTIRE FAMILY.

So I am not working as many hours and will do my best to keep in touch with Jen as she cares for Julie on her own so that I can leave updates in a more timely fashion.

Please continue to PRAY, because IT IS WORKING.

Thanks EVERYONE and God Bless,
Deidra Wolf aka Grammy

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 6 Update

Well Julie came home from the Hospital On Monday after her Chemo, only to end up readmitted Thursday June 30th with a fever and a low ANC count. She is still in-patient presently (7/5 she missed the fireworks this year). Her ANC count has been 0 since Sunday and her platlets (cells that help your blood clot so you don't bleed to much)and hematocrit (iron carrying blood cells) are low too. She has received 2 units of blood and 1 of platlets. She has not had a fever since Sautraday though. I hope her counts come up soon, I miss her being home. She will not get more chemo until her counts level out. But at least we know that the chemo is doing its job. I will keep everyone posted.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 21 (second update)

Julie was admitted Friday night for the first of a minimum of 4 rounds of chemo (a round lasts about 28days). Some doses will be inpatient like this one, others will be outpatient. Hopefully she goes home Monday but it has been hard on her, she has not kept anything down. She is resting comfortably right now. We will see how her blood counts do. Pray for no fevers. I will keep you all posted. Grammy 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 21

This is how devastating Julie's cancer can be....Julie has a lil Facebook Friend named Talon who has the same type of tumor as Julie just in a difffernt spot in his brain...8 weeks ago he was cancer free now it is back the size of a golf ball. PLZ pray for Talon and Julie

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 20 Update

Well I have good news to report. Julie finished her radiation this week, got her new chair and her braces for her legs. She is so strong and so rambunksious that it is getting harder to keepup with her. She had an MRI and Lumbar Puncture today...any PRAISE GOD....NO CANCER WAS SEEN in her brain or spine. Her Lumbar puncture was clear of cancer cells too. The is such a blessing. Thank you all for your prayers. Julie gets some time off before she starts she chemo. She will get 3 rounds that I know of so far. I will keep you posted...Deidra

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thanks to the NMSU Theatre Dept .and Audience Members who donated at the "Winnie the Pooh" performances

Due to the very generous audience members who attended the production of Winnie-the-Pooh and responded to our "passing the hat" during intermissions, we collected a total of $1,000 from our four public productions. We presented the money to Eddie Wolf, Julie's dad, at the end of the May 8 show. Again, we owe this very successful donation campaign to the kind, compassionate, and giving people who responded to our request for donations for Julie. We thank everyone who donated to Julie!
I also want to thank Julie's uncle, Michael Hillis, who informed our audience members about Julie's condition during our intermissions. Thanks also go out to Eddie, who attended every production of Winnie-the-Pooh and to all of Julie's family who came to the show, helped us publicize it, and supported our efforts.
Connie Breding

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Not much to report this week. The doctors are a bit concerned about Julie's appetite since she is losing weight each week. They started her on Ensure shakes daily and a calorie booster to add to some of her food. She is still not back to her pre-diagnosis weight but she is losing weight faster than they would like. She will need the few extra pounds for when she starts Chemo again in a few weeks. We are still waiting on her new stroller/chair and her leg braces. Should be in this coming week.

Julie is missing her "Mom" (Jen's mom, that's what she calls her other grandma) this Mother's Day. Just as Jen and I are missing EVERYONE back home today. We want to wish all the MOM's out there a very Happy Mother's Day....

NMSU-A's Theater on the Hill has been doing a production of Winnie-the-Pooh the past few weekends. They dedicated the show to Julie and have been taking donations and encouraging children to write cards to Julie. This is such an inspiration to me. I can not thank Connie Breding, the Guild Members or the Cast enough for doing this for her. Just the idea that Julie's prayer chain has grown is the VERY BEST MOTHER'S DAY PRESENT EVER....Thank You to EVERYONE for your prayers and support during this time.