
Friday, February 4, 2011

Update from St. Jude's

This is Julie's Grammy, Deidra Wolf, Julie has undergone lots of tests here at St Jude Children's Research Hospital here is Memphis TN. She had a biopsy of the tumor which is located in the pons, part of her brain stem. She was diagnosed with a DIPG oterwise called a Pontine Glioma, but after a more exstensive MRI here they think it maybe a PNET or Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor. Once we have the biopsy results back we will know for sure. Which ever of these tumors it is, either one is rare, and due to its location is hard to treat. With the DIPG treatment consistes of radiation and oral (clincal trial) chemptherapy drugs. If it is a PNET treatment is risky removal of the tumor followed by radiation of not only the tumor site but of her entire spine and intravenous chemptherapy treatment which will have them all here for about a year or more.  Lil Julie is a beautiful little girl that despite the problems this tumor is presently causing her is still very full of life. Please help her, even if all you can do is pray...Thanks You Deidra
February 4, 2011 12:32 PM


April Carter said...

Your are in our thoughts today and in our hearts always little Julie. You are in the prayers of my family and friends. Stay strong little one. Lots of Love from the Carter Family

Anonymous said...

The doctors did a repeat MRI on Thursday and determined that Julie's tumor is to large to proceed with attempting a removal of all or part of the tumor at this time. If the tumor can not be removed than it is less likely that the chemo and that radiation will completely kill the cancer cells. The PNET has a very high rate of reoccurring and if that occurs it is usual not a good thing. She also had a spinal tap that showed there are currently no cancer cells in her spinal fluid...THANK YOU GOD. Julie has just finished her first few doses of chemo, she has so far, done very well. The doctors hope is that after 2 rounds of chemotherapy (each round is 28 days) that the tumor will have shrunk enough that surgical removal of all or part of the tumor will be an option. Radiation is still going to be part of her treatment at some point, which is why she will be here close to a year.
I have had several people ask me what it is that the family needs money for...Eddie and Jen still have bills to pay, loans, cell phone bills, car insurance, etc... these bills do not just go away. They still need to be able to purchase clothing for themselves and Julie (who by the way has gained about 12 pounds on the steroids), and other living expenses like diapers, cleaning supplies, tolieteries etc... Please just keep up the prayers because they are working, Deidra