
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Please post thoughts and prayers

If you're a family member or friend, please share your thoughts here.


Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with Wayne's grandaughter. She is a little angel!

Deidra Wolf said...

This is Julie's Grammy, Deidra Wolf, Julie has undergone lots of tests here at St Jude Children's Research Hospital here is Memphis TN. She had a biopsy of the tumor which is located in the pons, part of her brain stem. She was diagnosed with a DIPG oterwise called a Pontine Glioma, but after a more exstensive MRI here they think it maybe a PNET or Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor. Once we have the biopsy results back we will know for sure. Which ever of these tumors it is, either one is rare, and due to its location is hard to treat. With the DIPG treatment consistes of radiation and oral (clincal trial) chemptherapy drugs. If it is a PNET treatment is risky removal of the tumor followed by radiation of not only the tumor site but of her entire spine and intravenous chemptherapy treatment which will have them all here for about a year or more. We really need your hlep. ANY donations you can afford would be greatly appreciated. Lil Julie is a beautiful little girl that despite the problems this tumor is presently causing her is still very full of life. Please help her, even if all you can do is pray...Thanks You Deidra

Deidra Wolf said...

UPDATE....Julie's diagnosis is the PNET. The doctors are still debating on a course of treatment. The usual course of treatment for PNETs outside the brainstem are high dose radiation and chemotherapy. Because of Julie's age and that her tumor is in the brain stem they are looking at the best course of treatment that will cause the least amount of cognitive damage in the long run. Since it is a PNET Julie will need to be here a minimum of 9months...possibly more. Also as a result, my new employer has not allowed me to take a two week leave of absence (just long enough for me to be here to help Ed and Jen get staerted on a course of treatment) therefore I am now we will all need any support you can help us with. Thank You and I will keep everyone updated as things happen. Thanks again, Deidra

Deidra Wolf said...

Early Friday morning Julie spiked a fever. So we ended up as a in-patient for antibiotics. When they checked her blood counts her ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count) was 0. Neutrophils are baby white blood cells that will mature and fight infection. Since Julie had no neutrophils she is at very high risk of developing a blood infection (or sepsis). She was started on antibiotics before they even knew her blood count. She has not had a fever since and her ANC was up to 200 today. I believe they are waiting til it is > 500 to send her home. Anytime her ANC is less than 500 she will need to wear a mask while in public places. We will see how she does with this. She has been a little trooper through all of this. We all had a great time, playing with play dough tonight, she laughed more than she has in a long time. Til next time, Deidra

Mendoza said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with Jeanette, Eddie, Julie, and grandparents. I can`t even imagine what you all must be going through! But I know that nothing is impossible with God. I`m asking for prayer on fb. My mom and a group of women at her church made a prayer quilt for Julie. Jeanette gave us the address so it will be sent soon. My family and women from her church have prayed over it and tied a knot. When you get it, have others say a prayer and tie a knot. Then put it over Julie to 'cover her in prayer.'
Your friends, The Mendozas:
Maria, Daniel, Cassandra, and girls