
Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Not much to report this week. The doctors are a bit concerned about Julie's appetite since she is losing weight each week. They started her on Ensure shakes daily and a calorie booster to add to some of her food. She is still not back to her pre-diagnosis weight but she is losing weight faster than they would like. She will need the few extra pounds for when she starts Chemo again in a few weeks. We are still waiting on her new stroller/chair and her leg braces. Should be in this coming week.

Julie is missing her "Mom" (Jen's mom, that's what she calls her other grandma) this Mother's Day. Just as Jen and I are missing EVERYONE back home today. We want to wish all the MOM's out there a very Happy Mother's Day....

NMSU-A's Theater on the Hill has been doing a production of Winnie-the-Pooh the past few weekends. They dedicated the show to Julie and have been taking donations and encouraging children to write cards to Julie. This is such an inspiration to me. I can not thank Connie Breding, the Guild Members or the Cast enough for doing this for her. Just the idea that Julie's prayer chain has grown is the VERY BEST MOTHER'S DAY PRESENT EVER....Thank You to EVERYONE for your prayers and support during this time.

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