
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Update Feb. 19

Early Friday morning Julie spiked a fever. So we ended up as a in-patient for antibiotics. When they checked her blood counts her ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count) was 0. Neutrophils are baby white blood cells that will mature and fight infection. Since Julie had no neutrophils she is at very high risk of developing a blood infection (or sepsis). She was started on antibiotics before they even knew her blood count. She has not had a fever since and her ANC was up to 200 today. I believe they are waiting til it is > 500 to send her home. Anytime her ANC is less than 500 she will need to wear a mask while in public places. We will see how she does with this. She has been a little trooper through all of this. We all had a great time, playing with play dough tonight, she laughed more than she has in a long time. Til next time, Deidra

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