
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Update: February 10

Julie is being admitted this evening as an in patient at St Jude. She is scheduled to have an MRI and spinal tap in the morning. The MRI will let the doctors know if she is a candidate for tumor removal at this point. If the tumor is to large to safely remove it the idea is to start high dose chemotherapy to try and shrink the tumor. If the tumor becomes small enough to remove then they will do so. Once the tumor is removed Julie will then start focal radiation (tumor site) treatments. The spinal tap will let the doctors know if there are any cancer cells in Julie's Spinal fluid. If there are cancer cells in her spinal fluid, due to the high rate of tumor relocation with the PNET, Julie will need not only radiation at the tumor site but also to her entire brain and spine (this is called Cranial/Spinal radiation). If Julie requires the Cranial/Spinal radiation her chances of it causing mental/cognitive issues is higher. Thanks for your prayer...more to come Deidra

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