
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Update April 28

Hello everyone, sorry I missed posting last week. I have been busy at my new job and then Julie's Daddy, Grampy and Uncles Josh and Chris came to Memphis to spend Easter with all of us. We had a great time. We celebrated Uncle Josh's early birthday party at the Great American Pizza Co. Julie raced go-carts with everyone (well Grampy was driving). Julie took everyone to the zoo and showed us all the animals. Julie's favorites are the Penguins, Elephants and Wolves. We ate ate her favorite restaurant The Blues City Cafe on the Famous Beale Street. They treat Julie like a Princess there. We then had a cookout on the patio of the Target House and colored our Easter Eggs. On Easter Sunday we went to a pond and fished and played with the ducks. We then went back to the Hotel where Grampy was staying and went swimming. It was a great weekend. Julie was sad to see everyone go.

Anyway, Julie is doing GREAT. She is handling the radiation treatments very well. She is getting used to the routine. She continues to get stronger and stronger everyday. She goes to her physical therapy and occupational therapy 3 times a week. Julie's right eye is moving more and more too but she recently scratched it so we are having to use antibiotic drops to prevent infection. The doctors seem to think that she does not have normal feeling in her right eye and face. This maybe why she scratches at her right eye and nostril (she has scratched her nostril as well). If you think about how it feels when your face is numb after a dental procedure I think this is what it may feel like to Julie. I remember how it felt funny to touch as the numbing stuff wore off. I think this is how it feels to Julie so she rubs those areas because it feels different. (Does that make any sense???). Julie is going to get a new stroller/chair to use because the stroller she has is to small for her. St Jude is ordering her a Pink one. Her Leg braces should be ready either later this week or next week. All in all she is such a trooper.

I want to let everyone know that New Mexico State University Alamogordo's Theater on the Hill is dedicating their Children's Theater Production of Winnie the Pooh to Julie. The play is this Saturday and Next Saturday at 7:30 PM and the next two Sunday's at 2:00PM. If you can make to the production I would really encourage you to attend. I am so grateful for Connie Breding and the Cast/Crew for doing this for Julie. I can't wait to see the DVD when they send it. Until next time.....Grammy

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