
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Praise God!

PRAISE GOD!!! They were able to remove the ENTIRE tumor. It was a long process, over 12 hours. They did an MRI scan part way through the surgery and decided to go back in and remove more of the tumor. Apparently while they were in there the second time, the tumor started to bleed and as they attempted to control the bleeding, the only way to do that was to remove it all. So it is GONE. They left Julie sedated over night, with breathing tube on a ventilator so that she would not move around a lot, which would increase her blood pressure and put her at risk for bleeding in her head (Julie is quite the lil fighter, it took them several different med combinations to find the ones that would keep her sedated). She was doing well this morning and they did a CT scan to make sure there is no bleeding. If there isn't they will take out the breathing tube and wake her up. The best news is that she is still moving both sides of her body. The left does seem to be a bit weaker right now but it is still hard to tell, the docs do not think that she will have any permanent lose, until she wakes up we won't til then. Deidra

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