
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Update March 19

UPDATE...Julie had a repeat MRI of her brain and spine on Friday March 18th. They were also going to do a Spinal Tap but decided not to at this time. The tumor may have shrunk just a tiny bit, but not much at all. It is showing signs of death, or necrosis. It also had some bleeding present and since Julie's platelet count was a little low, they went ahead and transfused her with platelets just to be safe. They were also able to do a DEMRI (Dynamic Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging).  This will help them see what nerves in her pons are being affected by the tumor and will help theem determine if surgery is safe at this time. Julie's doctors, Dr Bronicher and Dr Dewire, believe that the nerves are not being invaded by the tumor but otherwise just being "pushed to the side". The DEMRI results will let us know for sure. 

Julie's chance of long term survivial depends on the removal of the tumor since PNET tumors are Stage 4 and can be very aggressive. So they are going to recommend to the neurosurgeons to move forward with surgery. 

If the tumor is invading the nerves then removal could cause Julie to have permanent partial to complete loss of the use of her left side. If the nerves are not being invaded than she risks only some temporary loss of her left side. Of course surgery to the pons is very risky and permanent loss is always a possibility. They hope to make a desicion regarding surgery by Tuesday. If they decide to go ahead with surgery, then she will have it sometime next week. Keep us in your prayers as always, and I will update again when we know more. Thank You All, Deidra 

1 comment:

Deidra Wolf said...

Julie goes into Surgery tomorrow morning at 8am to attempt to remove "as much of the tumor as they can". There are many risks to this surgery, number on as with most surgeries is the risk for bleeding, the other is permanent total loss of movement on one side or the other of her body. We are hoping for the best. The doctor also said it is possible that opening the tumor could put her at risk for the cancer spreading. I am very worried about her...please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Deidra