
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Update: March 9, 2011

Julie has been in-patient again for more chemo. She has not done as well with the chemo this time. She has been more irritable and has had more vomiting then before. We get to take her back to the Target House tonight and manage her nausea and vomiting there. She maybe on an out-patient IV pump for fluids. Jeanethe has had a cold and had to go to a Walk-in Clinic here in Memphis to make sure she did not have anything that could present a problem for Julie, such as Strep Throat. Jeanethe was cleared of that but started on antibiotics anyway.
I would like to let you all know that the prayers and chemo must be doing something because where a month ago Julie could not sit up on her own or use her left side, she is now sitting up alone, using her left side a lot more and even walking assisted with a walker. She is also off the steroids. She will be getting another MRI of her brain and spine and Spinal Tap on March 18th. If the tumor has shrunk, they will propose surgery to the neurosurgeons again. Keep the prayers coming we need all we can get. Deidra

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