
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Update: March 2

Update...Julie has just finished her dose of Methotrexate which we came to the hospital for on Saturday 2/26. This is one of her chemo drugs. This is the first one they usually give but we were unable to start with this one because the steriods had cuased Julie to develope a case of fatty liver which caused her liver function tests to be elevated. So we had been weaning down her steroids since we first started chemo (she is almost off the steriods completely...yea). Her liver function test finally came down to allow her to start the Methotrexate. when patients get methotrexate it taked 24 hours to infuse the drug. Then they have to remain in the hopsital until the methotrexate is with in a certain safe zone in her system. Julie's is safe enough now to go home today. She will still be on IV infusion on a take home pump in her "backpack". They will check her levels again as an out patient tomorrow. We are thrilled because we do not get much rest in the hospital. Julie's ANC and other blood counts are good for now. They will watch these over the next few days. Julie has done great on the chemo drugs with minimal nausea or vomiting. She is just now starting to lose her hair. She is a real trooper. Well until next time...thank you all for your suppport. Deidra


Judy Clark said...

I am praying for you guys and will pass this link on to many many of our friends and supporters...I don't know you..but I am Gatlin Clark's mother..We too walked in your shoes..and I know what you are going through..Please don't hesitate to let me know what I can do to help in any other way..You can check out Gatlin's story on if you want to...Our story didn't have a happy ending but I still have hope..and I am praying for Julie...

Deidra Wolf said...

Thank you so much Judy...I knew of Gatlin and his heroism in our community and his fundraising efforts. I actually pray for you guys as well. I love forward to having you as a friend. Again THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH ;) Deidra